Arm Lift Aesthetics
If there is no excessive sagging of the arm skin and the skin elasticity is good, excess fat is removed by laser liposuction method and the skin is tightened with laser. However, if there is excess skin, surgical incisions should be added to this procedure and arm lift surgery is performed. In this surgery, scars can remain only in the armpit or extend to the elbow depending on the excess skin of the patient.
How long is the procedure?
It takes 1-2 hours on average.
Where will the scar remain after surgery?
Depending on the technique, the scar can be hidden in the armpit fold. In patients with excess skin, a scar in the form of a thin line extending to the elbow remains. The fact that the arm is a mobile area has a negative effect on the scar, but we plan the appropriate surgical technique and scar treatment to minimize scarring.
Can it be done in summer?
This surgery can be performed in all seasons including summer.
Can it be combined with liposuction?
In patients with good skin quality and no sagging, a satisfactory result can be obtained with liposuction alone. The patient can return to daily life within 2-3 days. In patients with sagging skin, arm lift should be performed. We often combine arm lift with liposuction.